Full Sail University
SnowBe Security Plan - The fictitious company SnowBe does not have a formal IT Security Plan in place. This security plan was drafted, revised, and formalized based on feedback from industry professionals. [...]
SnowBe ITP111 Security Maturity Model - The fictitious company SnowBe utilizes a number of IT policies to help ensure all of their enterprise assets and infrastructure remain safe and secure. ITP111 Security Maturity Model Policy provides SnowBe a framework to measure the maturity of their current cybersecurity program. It also gives guidance on how to reach the next maturity level.
SnowBe and the CMMC - This presentation briefly goes over the CMMC and how it will benefit SnowBe.
SnowBe ITP107 Change Control Policy - The fictitious company SnowBe utilizes a number of IT policies to help ensure all of their enterprise assets and infrastructure remain safe and secure. Change is a vital part of remaining secure, as stagnating security is more likely to be defeated. IT Policy ITP107 Change Control Policy helps ensure all change that takes place within SnowBe’s IT realm is safe and managed.
SnowBe ITSP001 New Account Procedure - The fictitious company SnowBe utilizes a number of IT procedures to facilitate their day-to-day operation. One such operation is adding new user accounts to SnowBe’s centralized account repository SnowBe Access. IT Procedure ITSP001 New Account provides an procedural overview of the process of adding a new account.