SnowBe Security Plan - The fictitious company SnowBe does not have a formal IT Security Plan in place. This security plan was drafted, revised, and formalized based on feedback from industry professionals. [...]
Curriculum vitae - I am a Cybersecurity professional. I have years of computer troubleshooting, networking, and management experience. I take pride in my ability to self-motivate, learn quickly, and produce first time quality work. I can be contacted here. A PDF copy of my CV is available here. Work Experience Production Planning and Scheduler 3 @ HII Mission Technologies - Oct 2023 to Current Provide first-line technical support for Submarine Group Manage production work for Submarine Group Developed and currently maintain 2 internal databases and applications that support workflows for over 20 peers. [...]
IP Geolocation - nginx + geoip2 - Configuring ngx_http_geoip2_module for Matomo.
GPG Public Key - For ease of importing, it is also available here. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQENBGSfW8EBCAChRx5kAQzPfGtckeztOLx5OzOIFGSKVtQnZZi3G7JQREkVKlws QeOAErgmog52EyGmMdXQj1SMnQhUCsasl588xBQox39ayw9KK7VPGuQwmNiX9Rm3 Nc6ZeTOF/R7uEsH5J6VVe6E2iA/tYuCs+jS68nUuTHjt39EIf1Pt+kP6HOEAtOZ6 Rj8DAJ1GWmeOEHaazH8vSqDcETXaAXrCcHQqSMeTJYIiHv6aPlpMCJunTLqGlq4t qr6kb9fIc/qANo6suZqF8DKy2LPozB0vvhxMWzgIN3hHqrRss+MVERk2+tCsXurl 60hsCBLuaGAtikDE7yzjCvfRdzLe+IsI27SNABEBAAG0NUlhbiBDb3JiaXR0IChH aXQgUEdQIEtleSAjMikgPGlhbi5jb3JiaXR0QGljbG91ZC5jb20+iQFRBBMBCAA7 FiEE98IZFB4nn/+enxhh5PyFBbemuWAFAmSfW8ECGwMFCwkIBwICIgIGFQoJCAsC BBYCAwECHgcCF4AACgkQ5PyFBbemuWAMgwgAlrqTzwRjOQadIrVUZtcKdSJCrwcY 4EhbkhnIwXZ/PPyGUKumvebYPOEq4mE7Td45a98zlf/F1sRAyAKG+JUlss16kvDT zebkgwA7TNd+XzDT/3PUtKJb9jlvgQHTCMc9y3G7HLQh8WRRJuDcfKperva3pggg F2zB0cjkNNEY/9uafD6nE00eYsTOAK7cYmxm4tmqAvVaDxPy61+nQEAfFJQtlIYe PatgjgFUUAC43+4eDsGIgvOcYEyS/JTn7E8Pykoh3r2P0NMKuBdt6mNSCRKyTVLR iCIesGUuLsFNf8Vm0vAIlL3IGFGQUgDfWLWnvkflDvvUQk6b0emxSLG0VLkBDQRk n1vBAQgAq2WURRi+jXTbGSB5g91KoY8J4ix+Og5FBso4oinkAxZ72x+hOBxkffZR DoU7M8sriU13entw848LXhQycV/tm+f/RbpWmpV5j4s87e4nh3EjldTxNRbDLniH HQkH5XBoY5fw+6QxFE98M4rTupC3UT8zd3H16V8kuctmw+Kixklz//e+DY+3LiYq +AhnwG7j6100YdMB+NJjwLsUs+r5GSj13RbMk24DlaVhddX3S7V6NlUbN9loFKt7 5M0ONR+j3RKwZ7tDat5HfrmR9iBriolBoGl9K1jukRN3RYIJVZIkP78VwaLD/ZiL 9yQvOkj3gdYhbamYvJsaFaQRebjMZQARAQABiQE2BBgBCAAgFiEE98IZFB4nn/+e nxhh5PyFBbemuWAFAmSfW8ECGyAACgkQ5PyFBbemuWCJiQf/YkF0BukXm5oAR/cZ UO+PVNf7TmfnLVvMKZLzf3nXZfUGVyCXiwkqHjN+CG9lgTr13bRgPnjSUI4WKODP ToqW30CqoSS6B7Us+htOsOJyLa+84/AT8CD+cpdztDgJk8GV8cl66DNAFr/CGDA1 h6YHOjBAst+YqHzQ1uc3SrVTTlpNalVJxYphnsxaGPKBAPDPWSlsPHRDUz5NygQR QXs1ororaILpPRQOq93z5DfraS9SoAnhmp0+I51QGSrCvwDIBhBOeZDV/WD/I87Z 0mFrwRLGRuz94Iogqd0QO5mi5C0sjiQbDTUD1en4LJqNCLOocJuVqzlp3IlvIQuJ kSa6QLkBDQRkn1vBAQgAuPvu9wGQ2GDx5Bfi1sf1KMORfzu80YCSH8/BltoZkxJ+ zg0JVeVSrzhh2gr5anZtQrDCDS1RNcEjuW16PSuD/sPdJ4a6aoVlNPvaYLHUZin6 u3kKEf4+WptK2MOKK0EsewISHpHLsxYJchucRwNExRz7XHXwdEz+v3Nh4R6YkG99 Kk/GAK11M1kiVLH82yvgpA9iu/3FkO/76ErKaKNd2UER0942UyTq3uavy9NacgAd mdE+rWRuc7Rnmj+d2p8ceqyD8fC74tu1bNbauPRAYNWpoCI8M0AdQ7v1Hw7C+Y8w 2r0HltrWEBOTtDmsAqqymeWHuZH/pSRr4eDknkyLQQARAQABiQE2BBgBCAAgFiEE 98IZFB4nn/+enxhh5PyFBbemuWAFAmSfW8ECGwwACgkQ5PyFBbemuWCiyQf/dkp8 5N08pH2ZvK+DfG9/8b1skPkBcwSGIoAgxRaGLyfbGY2kVdY3VmZvR74uHeVE2rj6 a9W6Hc+7Ln6ORpshhW0iI/IOOVhZnAlEvzBMMkhl4XzTJs9G1dj+fSif8j2geoSn o07qw+BSlodP5rmnrxB0/AHzp5m0Y8oNuLmyItp9vU98RFiAU2J2gyoJsPoUM5oM 6pKaM5VUNI9YeEiWYQvTwi3wF8YO3qR6alonpD5y6zGnL0qAR/oEAddOfwXZS/pe 4f6RC86yfwBox4LT3dy3+kla8URBmPRIZo1k9qA3QFu/v/v2rw+pXA4Ln3AAcyOU hUq9cg95QtVMgZj+Og== =fS90 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- [...]
Switching to Hugo - Why I switched to Hugo for my portfolio.
Homelab - A decades long fascination with computers and computer networks has led me to this. Some would say it is excessive, but, eh, they may be right.
static_folio - This is the code for my digital portfolio! It’s a simple static site built with Hugo. I have fairly shamelessly used the layouts and code from Jason Cox. I have a blog post about why I opted to go with simple static pages versus something like Wordpress or Grav.
SnowBe ITP111 Security Maturity Model - The fictitious company SnowBe utilizes a number of IT policies to help ensure all of their enterprise assets and infrastructure remain safe and secure. ITP111 Security Maturity Model Policy provides SnowBe a framework to measure the maturity of their current cybersecurity program. It also gives guidance on how to reach the next maturity level.
SnowBe and the CMMC - This presentation briefly goes over the CMMC and how it will benefit SnowBe.
SnowBe ITP107 Change Control Policy - The fictitious company SnowBe utilizes a number of IT policies to help ensure all of their enterprise assets and infrastructure remain safe and secure. Change is a vital part of remaining secure, as stagnating security is more likely to be defeated. IT Policy ITP107 Change Control Policy helps ensure all change that takes place within SnowBe’s IT realm is safe and managed.
SnowBe ITSP001 New Account Procedure - The fictitious company SnowBe utilizes a number of IT procedures to facilitate their day-to-day operation. One such operation is adding new user accounts to SnowBe’s centralized account repository SnowBe Access. IT Procedure ITSP001 New Account provides an procedural overview of the process of adding a new account.
403 Access denied - Accessed is denied Check here. [...]
404 Page not found - The webpage you are looking for does not exist Check here. [...]
410 Resource is gone - The resource you requested is no longer available Check here or contact me. [...]
50x Internel Server Error - Something went wrong Check here or contact me. [...]
Blog - I occasionally write about various topics. This is a listing of those topics.
Coursework - I am a Cybersecurity graduate from Full Sail University. The following are examples of assignments I completed during my studies. [...]
Hobbies - I have several hobbies that cover a range of activities. This is a list of a few of them. [...]
Home -
Hello, I’m Ian!
I’m a cybersecurity professional, computer tinkerer, and cyclist. Welcome to my little blip on the Internet. [...]Privacy Policy - I am committed to the digital privacy rights for everyone. As such, here is how I collect, use, and disclose information I gain through this website. Data Analytics I utilize data analytics on this portfolio to monitor engagement. I use Matomo, a privacy focused platform, to accomplish this. Matomo uses data anonymization to ensure the data I collect cannot personally identify you or any visitor. No cookies I do not utilize cookies on my portfolio. [...]